Last modified: 2020-07-10
The public health center is one of the facilities or health service facilities that are utilized by the community. At this time the community's need for health services is increasing, one of the causes is in the presence of a COVID-19 virus outbreak. Sidoarjo Regency is one of the regions that have the most cases of COVID-19 in East Java. this reason has become a motivating factor for the government and health providers to improve equity in health services. One of the health services needed is a public health center with inpatient facilities. The reality is found in the field, puskesmas with inpatient services have not been evenly distributed in Sidoarjo. Therefore, it is necessary to build a health center with inpatient facilities in strategic places to be effective and useful. Therefore, the research is needed for the selection of new public health center locations. The method used was the Fuzzy Analytic Network Process (FANP) to determine the best alternative location. The FANP method is a combination of two fuzzy methods, namely the Analytic Network Process (ANP) and Triangular Fuzzy Number (TFN). Four criteria were used for this research, these were Population, Geographical Conditions, Accessibility, and Distance. While the alternative locations used to consist of four districts, namely Buduran District, Candi District, Tanggulangin District, and Gedangan District. Obtained from the results in the selection of new public health center locations, the location weight in Buduran District was 0.296, the location weight in Candi District was 0.651, the location weight in Tanggulangin was 0.480, and the location weight in Gedangan was 0.334. So the location in Candi Regency was chosen as the best location because it had the highest weight which is on Jl. Ngampelsari, Kedinding, Ngampelsari, Kec.Candi, Kab. Sidoarjo.