Open Conference Systems, MISEIC 2020

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Development of Android-based comic learning media on Quadrilateral Materials to improve geometric thinking ability of grade 7
Dany Samsurya Kurniawan, Mega Teguh Budiarto, Atik Wintarti

Last modified: 2020-09-21


Smartphones with the Android operating system is growing rapidly among students. On the other hand students' interest was also lower most students just like books that illustrated one of them comic. besides learning math geometry student mastery of the material is still low. Stages according to Van Hiele geometric thinking consists of level 0 (visualization), level 1 (analysis), level 2 (deduction informal), level 3 (deduction), and level 4 (rigor). The purpose of this study is to describe the process of the development of Android-based learning media comics, producing media in the format APK (Android Package Kit) and describe the geometric increase in the ability to think through Android-based instructional media comics on the material quadrilateral, This type of research is the development of research and description, which uses a model of development Gall and Borg. Stages is a needs analysis; planning and design of products; develop products; Initial testing; revision of the product; The main testing; revision and implementation of the final product. The results of this study were 1) development of instructional media comics Android based on the material quadrilateral grade 7 with format APK good quality, 2) from 30 students in grade 7, 17 students at the level of 0, 10 students are at levels 1 and 3 students are on 2. After learning level thinking level has increased.


Android,Comic, Geometric