Last modified: 2020-07-10
The Effectiveness of Online Courses in the Cluster of Physiology Courses in the Department of Biology Unesa During the Covid-19 Pandemic Period and the Efforts to Overcome
Yuni Sri Rahayu*, Evie Ratnasari, Yuliani, Nur Qomariah, Sari Kusuma Dewi
*Corresponding author:
In order to break the chain of the spread of COVID-19, the Chancellor of Surabaya State University (Unesa) has a policy to carry out all courses in online form. However, the implementation of online courses depends on the ability and capacity of both lecturers and students which naturally influences the effectiveness of learning achievement. This study aimed to map the effectiveness of online courses implementation during the COVID-19 pandemic in the cluster of physiology courses (Plant Physiology, Animal Physiology, Phytohormones, Plant Diseases, Biochemistry, Oncology, Anatomy and Human Physiology, and Nutrition-Psychotropics) in Biology Department. There were two criterias to be used to decide the effectiveness of online courses, namely the courses learning outcomes achievement and responses of students and lecturers on aspects of learning implementation, practicum/ assignment implementation, and assessment implementation. This descriptive study used a qualitative approach with the research subjects were lecturers and students who were in the courses of physiology cluster. Data was obtained by using questionnaire instruments and data of student learning outcomes. The results showed that the effectiveness of online courses implementation in physiology cluster in terms of student achievement was very good, because it was supported by various efforts made by lecturers so that learning achievement could be surpassed using various diverse modes of online learning. In addition, detailed recommendations related to the implementation of online courses for the physiology cluster so that the learning outcomes of these courses could be carried out effectively.
Keywords:effectiveness of online courses, recommendations of teaching learning process, Covid-19, physiology cluster courses