Last modified: 2020-07-14
Estrogen was very beneficial hormone for men and women. Isoflavon compund was natural estrogen source which contain two main compound in chemical form, the aglycones name are daidzein and genistein. They are founded only 0.25% on plant, exclusively on leguminous plant. An alternative method have been required to overcome these problem, for example plant organ culture technic with elicitation by heavy metal. The aims of this research were to study the effect of various concentration of Al3+ and Pb2+ elicitors and age of culture for callus growth and accumulation of daidzein and genistein from in vitro Phaseolus vulgaris L. and Phaseolus aureus Roxb. Callus culture. Stable plant callus culture were established and subculture for three times approximately 4 weeks. The calli were elicitated by Al3+ and Pb2+ elicitor with 0; 50; 150; and 300 µM concentration for each metal elicitor and incubated on 4, 6, and 8 weeks. Qualitative data were determined based in changed of calli colour, TLC plate and value of Rf. Quantitative data were determined based in fresh and dry weight of the calli and the content of daidzein and genistein compound. Quantitative data were analized using Anova and continued with DMRT 95%. The result showed that the callus growth more influenced by age of culture. The six weeks led to higher fresh and dry weight. Calli colour at treatment media have no difference with in control, those texture were friable. The calli with addition of elicitor Al3+ and Pb2+ with 150 µM concentration had significantly higher of fresh weigh than control, they were over 0.463 g with addition of Al3+ and over 0.625 g with addition of Pb2+. The content of daidzein and genistein on Phaseolus vulgaris L had significantly increased by addition of Al3+ and Pb2+ elicitor with 150 µM concentration. Otherwise, content of daidzein and genistein on Phaseolus aureus Roxb. had significantly increased in addition of Al3+ and Pb2+ elicitor with 300 µM concentration.