Open Conference Systems, MISEIC 2020

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The Effect of Online Games on Learning Achievement in Islamic Religious Education Study Program Students
Mashudi Mashudi, Moh Sahlan, Setya Chendra Wibawa

Last modified: 2020-08-28


This research was conducted with the intention of examining the differences in learning achievement of students who played online games and those who did not play online games, the relationship between students who played a lot of games and did not play games on student achievement, and the relationship between the intensity of the time interval playing games with learning achievement. The method used is ex post facto causal research (correlation research). In this study there are normality tests, homogeneity tests, T tests and correlations. SPSS is used as a tool to process the data. The data was tested on 8 classes of Islamic Religious Education students, 350 students. The results of the research show that: (1) there is a value of 0.594 which means there is no difference in the learning achievement of students who play online games and those who do not play games, (2) there is a value of 0.579 and the correlation coefficient is -0.068 which means there is no relationship between the number of students playing certain types of games on learning achievement, but there is a low negative relationship, (3) there is a value of 0.566 and a correlation coefficient of -0.070 which means there is no relationship of students who play games with a certain time interval to learning achievement


Game online, Learning Achievement