Last modified: 2017-07-22
The aim of this research which is to development learning tools based on problem solving on the fraction material to train creativity of elementary school students. The curriculum of KTSP 2006 states that mathematics subjects should be given to all learners starting from elementary level to equip learners with thinking skills, one of them is creative thinking. Based on the survey of journals and the availability of thesis papers in the library, researcher found no such research. To overcome this, it must be done by developing of learning tools based on problem solving. Learning tools which are developed include Lesson Plan, Student Activity Sheet, Student Creativity Test, and Student Evaluation Test. This research uses the development of 4D model by Thiagarajan, et al, include Define, Design, Development, and Disseminate. Data collection using observation method, test, and questionnaire.This research produces a quality learning tools, which fullfil the validity, practicality, and effectiveness criteria. The result of this research shows that: (1) The development result is quality learning tools, (2) Students can be trained in their creativity. Thus, this learning tool can be used as learning to train students creativity on fraction material.