Last modified: 2017-08-07
The purpose of this study was to describe the mastery of student learning result by applied video media. The research subject was sixth grade students of SDN Manyar Sabrangan II Surabaya that consisted of 18 male students and 10 female students. Research design applied Class Action Research (PTK) of Kemmis S and Mc Taggart model which consisted of planning, action, observation and reflection. To achieve the goal, data was collected by observation and test. The study was conducted in three cycles. The research results showed that mastery of student learning result improved by 7% from the first cycle of 79% to 86% in the second cycle, and increased 14% in the third cycle to 100%, in addition to the student's response is very good, which was 93% of the students like the video that applied by the teacher. From the data analysis results it can be concluded that the application of the video media is appropriated to use as a media of learning for elementary school students so it was advisable to teachers to applied video media in learning because video can improve motivation and the mastery of student learning result.