Last modified: 2017-09-05
Literacy of mathematics is defined as the individual's ability to formulate, use and interpret mathematics in various contexts. It includes the ability to do the reasoning mathematically and use concepts, procedures, facts, as a tool to describe, explain and predict a phenomenon or event. Mathematical literacy is one of the skills needed to solve problems.
This study aims to describe the profile of junior high students' mathematical literacy in solving simultaneous linear equations problems in terms of cognitive style of visualizer and verbalizer. This research was a descriptive research with qualitative approach using test and interview method. The subjects in this research consist of one student with cognitive style of visualizer and one student with cognitive style of verbalizer. Both subjects had medium and equal math skills.
The results showed that there are differences in solving simultaneous linear equations problems between students with cognitive style of visualizer and student with cognitive style of verbalizer. Students with cognitive style of the visualizer paid great attention to the arrangement and drawings in solving the problem. While students with cognitive style verbalizer paid more attention to information in the form of words and numbers.