Last modified: 2017-08-23
Based on a preliminary test, it is found that students are embarrassed to ask questions, argue and do a presentation in front of the class, so it can be stated that the communication skills of the students are still low. Therefore, it is needed to do a research on the effectiveness of jigsaw type learning cooperative model to improve communication skills. The research was designed using one group pretest-postest design involving twenty four students of Junior High School. Data collectiontechniqueswas done by using the test, observation, and questionnairemethods. The results of research on the effectiveness of learning model can be seen from the N-Gain score (0.78) with high category. This is reviewed by the results of written communication skills (making the poster) that has been completed with minimum criteria (KKM of 70). Then, it can be also seen from the percentage of observations onthe oral communication skills that are resulted with the highest response is perceiving idea from other students in discussion process and lowest skills to ask questions, as well as the percentage of student response towards cooperative learning process very high type of jigsaw. Overall, it can be concluded that jigsaw type cooperative learning model is effective to improve the communication skills of the students.The highest response of student oral communication is perceiving idea from other students.