Last modified: 2017-08-23
This study aims to describe process and product of developing Think-Pair-Share learning aids with Somatic, Auditory, Visual, and Intellectual approach on cuboids and cubes topic. The learning aids developed consist of Lesson Plan, Student Worksheets, and Achievement Tests. Design of research used a Plomp model which analyzes the following phases: preliminary research,development or prototyping phase, and assessment phase. Data were collected through observations, test, and questionnaire. The results of the descriptive analysis in trial class showed that learnind aids were categorized valid, practical and effective. Learning aids were categorized valid because the experts value the materials suitable to be used and achievement test were indicated valid, reliable, and sensitive. The learning aids were categorized practical because the good teacher’s ability to manage the learning, and the good students’s activities. Learning aids were categorized effective because of positive students’s responses and achievement of learning outcomes in accordance with the desired.
Keywords: Â Think Pair Share, SAVI Approach, Cuboid and Cube