Last modified: 2017-07-20
The Research aimed to produce the learning material valid, practical and effective oriented Problem Based Learning Model To Practice Student Science Process Skill for The Material of Electic Dinamics at The Thenth Grade of Senior High School. This research was developed using 4-D model of design. The design of trial use one group Pretest-Posttest Design on 30 student of Thenth Grade of Senior High School at Miftakhul Ulum Bettet Pamekasan. Data from  the study include: (1) The validity of the study with the results of the assesment consists the Sylabus, the development of learning instrumens such us lesson plane, Students’ Handbooks, Students’ Worksheet and Assesmentsheet are valid category. Legibility of the device indicates that the students’  worksheet and students’ handbooks in conten and appearance as well as easy to understand. (2) Practicality learning tools with the observations of observers consisting of development of learning instruments such us lesson plan is good category and obtacles that arise during learning in the classroom. (3) The effectiveness of learning device on aspect of the product, aspect of science process skills, psycomotor aspect and affective aspect are valid category and student’s response for the learning is positive and can be said to be affective.