Last modified: 2017-08-06
This study aims to produce a learning design chemistry based on the Argument Driven Inquiry model, which is appropriate to improve the student’s argumentation skill and learning out come. Learning materials are developed by using 4-D learning model, one group pretest-posttest design. The subject of this research is the Argument Driven Inquiry learning design model, tested to thirty student of class X SMK Pharmacy Sekesal Surabaya Academic Year 2016/2017. Data collection techniques used in this study is the validation, observation, tests, and questionnaires. The result show that (1) RPP validation, student textbooks, student worksheet, and Student’s learning outcomes are categorized valid, (2) The level of student’s textbook readability and student worksheet are categorized good, (3) Teaching and learning implementation are categorized good, (4) Student’s learning activities are student-centered to followed by Argument Driven Inquiry model, (5) Learning activities produce positive responce from the student, (6) The students achieve increased argumentation skill (7) The students achieve increased of learning out come in the aspects of knowledge, attitude, and skill. Based of these findings, it can be concluded that the teaching and learning materials developed to used by Argument Driven Inquiry model is appropriate to improve the student’s argumentation skill and learning out come.