Last modified: 2017-07-20
The purpose of this study to determine the feasibility model of direct instruction with strategy concept maps, student learning outcomes, and student responses. The design of this study using the "pretest posttest design". Method of collecting data through observation and testing methods and results of pre-test post-test. The research instrument used is sheet syntax feasibility study , the results of the test methods learn some vital lessons through the provision of pre-test questions before the learning takes place and the provision of post-test at the time after the learning process and students' responses at the end of the meeting. The results of this study demonstrate adherence to the syntax of direct learning model with the concept mapp strategy at meeting I, II and III respectively received an average rating of 4.3, 4.2 and 4.3 which includes all three categories. Otherwise the students study result on the second and third meeting classically reched by average 81% in seconds meeting anda 90% in the third. Overall student response received grades of 74 % with good category, there is learning model with the concept map are positive respon of the students.