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Creativity of Reflective and Impulsive Selected Students in Solving Geometric Problems
Last modified: 2017-10-08
This research aimed to describe elementary students’ creativity with reflective and impulsive cognitive style in solving geometric problems. This research used qualitative research methods. Data was collected by written tests and task-based interviews. The subjects consisted of two 5th grade students that were measured by MFFT (Matching Familiar Figures Test). Data were analyzed based on the three main components of creativity; that is fluency, flexibility, and novelty. This result shows that: (1) Subject with reflective cognitive style in solving geometric problems meets all components of creativity. (2) Subject with impulsive cognitive style in solving geometric problems meets two components of creativity (fluency and flexibility). Thus, it could be concluded that reflective student more creative in solving geometric problems. The implications of these findings for teaching and students learning were also discussed.
creativity, geometric problem solving, reflective, impulsive.