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Student Metacognitive Activities in Geometry Problem Solving Research from Personality Type
Last modified: 2017-08-23
One of the goals of learning math makes students can solve their daily problems. Personality differences are one of the factors influenced behavioral differences in solving problems. Students need metacognition to determine what should they do with their own thinking. This study is a qualitative research aimed to assess the metacognitive activities of students in solving geometric problems based on personality types. Personality classification tests and mathematical ability tests are used to determine the subject of study, while the problem-solving and interviewing tasks are analyzed based on the students' metacognitive activity in each of the Polya problem-solving steps. The results showed metacognitive activity in solving geometric problems performed by artisan students conducted planning and monitoring activities at each stage of problem solving, but only conducted evaluation activities in understanding the problem. Idealist students perform monitoring and evaluation activities at each stage of problem solving, but did not conduct planning activities at re-checking stage. Guardian students carry out planning and monitoring activities at each stage of problem solving but do not conduct evaluation activities at implementing the plan and at re-checking stage. Rational students carry out planning, monitoring and evaluation activities at each stage of problem solving.
Geometry, Metacognitive activities, Personality Type, and Problem solving