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Effect of Brain Based Learning Models on Critical Thinking Skills Reaction Reduction Oxidation Material of High School Students in Mojokerto
Last modified: 2017-07-20
This research aims to determine the effect of brain-based learning model on critical thinking skills of oxidative reduction of high school students in Mojokerto. The ability to think by the way the brain works. The brain is the center of all its activities. It takes a learning model that takes into account and develops the potential of the brain to be able to develop students' active and critical thinking skills. This research is a study of True Experimental Design. The design form used is Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. This research was conducted at SMAN 1 Bangsal, SMAN 1 Gedeg, and SMAN 1 Dawarblandong. Variables of this research there are two kinds of independent variables and dependent variables. The independent variable is treatment of this research is the application of brain based learning model. The dependent variables is Critical Thinking Skills. Technical data is test. Result of t test of critical thinking ability which show ttest = 53,98 > ttabel = 1,980. So it can be concluded there is a significant effect of brain based learning model on the oxidation reduction reaction material to critical thinking skills of high school X students in Mojokerto.
Brain Based Learning Models;Critical Thinking Skill