Last modified: 2017-08-07
Yolinda Imelda Bere Mau1, Mega Teguh Budiarto1, and Masriyah1
Universitas Negeri Surabaya
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ABSTRACT. Matematical learning aims in school are to lead students to be able to learn critically and creatively, and also to be able to solve problem goodly. Thus, students must be accustomed in solving questions problem solving, students guided to able to analyze, create and evaluate. The abilities are part of Higher-Order Thinking Skills (HOTS).
The research is a qualitative research that aim to describe higher order thinking skills of students in solving geometry problems review of learning style. Subject research is three students of second year students of SMP Negeri Sadi that have the same and different mathematical higher skills. In the research, the writer is a main instrument, the support instrument is learning style test, mathematical skills test, geometry problem solving test and interview guidance. Based on result research can be described that in solving geometry problem in accordance with procedures solving problems Polya, visual subject fulfill indicators analyze, create, and evaluate. Auditory subject in solving geometry problem fulfill indicators analyze and evaluate, while indicator create is not fulfilled whole. And kinestic subject, in solving geometry problem fulfill indicators analyze and evaluate, and create is not fulfilled whole.