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Differences in Implementation of SAVI Method in STAD Type Cooperative Learning with NHT Type to Increase Understanding of Student Concept on Material of Reaction Rate.
Last modified: 2017-08-06
This study aims to determine differences in student learning outcomes after the application of SAVI method there is a model of cooperative learning STAD and NHT type on the subject matter of the reaction rate factor. This research type is research with quasi experiment method, with research design that used is "pretest-posttest control group". The subjects of this study are students of class XI IPA 1 and XI IPA 2 SMA Muhammadiyah 4 Surabaya in semester 1 academic year 2016-2017 which amounted to 28 students. The instrument used in this research is the test result sheet. The results of this study indicate that there are differences in learning outcomes after applying SAVI-based cooperative learning model cooperative STAD and NHT type. There is excellent collaboration and differences in the students' understanding of the concept of the SAVI method on STAD type coopencial learning with NHT type. In class XI IPA 1 and XI IPA 2 the improvement of concept understanding for the first to third meeting on medium or high category has a very good total percentage. There is a significant difference in conceptual understanding between the two classes because based on the mann whitney test the sig value (0.012; 0; and 0.002) <0.05.
Cooperative, STAD, NHT, SAVI