Open Conference Systems, MISEIC 2018

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Developers of Android-Based Learning Media to Improve Conceptual Understanding on Fluid Materials
Eidelweis Dewi Jannati, Devi - Sukrisna, Agus - Setiawan, Parsaoran - Siahaan, Deffy - Susanti

Last modified: 2018-07-07


This study aims to determine the improvement of students' understanding of the concept of Mechanical Engineering Majalengka University on the concept of Basic Physics after we apply andoid based learning media. The formulation of exile is, 'how to increase the understanding of mechanical engineering students concept after applying the development of android-based learning media?' This research was conducted by quasi experiment method. The object of research is the first semester students of mechanical engineering as an experimental class. Instruments in the form of test readability of learning media and concept comprehension test. From the results of the test legibility of android-based learning media, the average of the score of 75%, this shows the user or reader easily from the contents of the reading. The average score of N-Gain concept understanding is 0.71 in high categorization. It can be concluded that the development of android-based learning media can improve students' understanding of the concept of Majalengka University Mechanical Engineering.


development of android-based learning media; understanding of concepts