Open Conference Systems, MISEIC 2018

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Does Game-Based Edutainment Media Improve Students’ Mathematical Understanding ?

Last modified: 2018-07-07


Integrating technology into the learning process is an alternatives that can be taken by teachers in mathematics learning. However, technology-based media have not been choice of teacher in the learning process. Teachers stated that developing technology-based media requires instructors with better knowledge or skill and incurring higher costs. In addition, teachers considered that edutainment media is not necessarily effective and efficient when used during the learning process. As an effort to overcome these condition, this research is aimed to develop game-based edutainment media. This research adapted ADDIE model to develop media which have three stages, analysis, design, and development. Furthermore, media eligibility criteria were assessed based on three aspects, validity, practicality and effectiveness.


The collected data will be analyzed using quantitative descriptive statistical techniques. Quantitative descriptive statistical techniques were used to describe the responses of respondents to the use of game-based edutainment media in terms of valid, practical and effective. Furthermore, from each criterion will be described by some categories.


The researcher developed two questionnaires with likert scale and an instrumen of test to answer the research question. Questionnaires were given to both the expert and the respondent during media trials. Through the questionnaire researchers can review the feasibility of media developed based on valid, practical criteria. While the instrument of test is given to students after students learn the material through the edutainment media. The test is used to measure how high the level of students’ mathematical understanding.


The validity aspects were measured by nine criterias, content quality, learning goal alignment, feedback and adaptation, presentation design, interaction usability, accessibility, usability, and standartds complicance. The assessment of validity aspect by expert judgement shows that the quality of media had a high validty in the aspects of game and materials. Meanwhile, the practicality aspects were assessed by teacher and student’s response after using this media. Teacher and student’s response show that the developed media had an exceptional practicality level for students. Moreover, test of conceptual understanding displays that 78% of the students showed a high score


Based on the three assessments, it can be concluded that game-based edutainment deserve to be a media. Game based edutainment media have capability to improve students’mathematical understandig.


Game, Edutainment Media, Mathematical Understanding