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Learning Tools Development with Project Based Learning Model to Improve the Critical Thinking Ability of Primary School Students in Science Subject
Last modified: 2018-07-07
Development of learning tools with the model of Project Based Learning on the subject of natural science aims to develop a decent learning tool (valid, practical, and effective). This type of research refers to the design of Dick & Carey model development tool that is adapted to the Curriculum 2013. The data sources of this research are lecturer as validator, teacher as observer, and twelve students of grade V SDN Kebraon 1. The research instruments used in the form of validation sheet, observation sheet, questionnaire, and critical thinking test sheet. Data analysis in research using quantitative descriptive analysis technique. The result of the validity shows that the percentage of Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) validity is 94.55%, the Student Teaching Material (BAS) is 98.25%, the Learning Activity Sheet (LKPD) is 98.01%, and the evaluation test sheet is 96.82%. The result of practicality test of instructional device showed 96.54% percentage of RPP implementation very well, and 93,82% student activity very well done. While practicality test result is 97,74% student give positive response to learning, and equal to 58,3% student showed improvement of high category based on N-Gain calculation after test of critical thinking evaluation. Based on the three validity test results, the practicality, and effectiveness that have been done show the final result that the learning tools developed is feasible for use in the learning process.
Feasibility of learning tools, Science, Project based learning model, Critical thinking.