Open Conference Systems, MISEIC 2018

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The Relational Thinking Process of Secondary School Student with High Mathematical Ability in Solving Mathematics Problem
Ahmad Zakaria, Mega Teguh Budiarto, Raden Sulaiman

Last modified: 2018-07-07


This study aims to describe the relational thinking process of secondary school student with high level of mathematical ability in solving mathematics problems. In this qualitative research, data collection techniques are performed by using test and interview. The subject of this research is the a female student of class VIII. The main instrument is the researcher himself, supported by math skills test, problem solving test (PST), and interview guidelines. To obtain a valid data, this study was analyzed using time triangulation. Time triangulation used in this study is a technique conducted by researchers for data credibility by checking the data from the same source, same technique, with different time. Data analysis used in this study was data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion.


The results showed the relational thinking profile of student with high math skills based on Polya’s problem solving steps (1973), i.e.: first, the relational thinking process of the students in understanding the problem involves writing down the information known and asked as clear as possible. Then the subject connects the known information to the previous knowledge about the Pythagorean Theorem as well as the velocity formula and links the known information to the question. Subject also explains the information known to answer the question. Second, the relational thinking process of the student when making plans includes: the subject builds connection with the understanding of the problem (the relation between the elements or information in the problem), the knowledge possessed (the use of Pythagorean theorem and velocity formula), the relation between the two (numbers in question and the Pythagorean theorem as well as the velocity formula), and provide the correct rationality in choosing a strategy. Third, the student's relational thinking process when the problem solving plan is implemented involves the use of the same method as the one planned, which is: drawing sketches, utilization of Pythagorean theorem as well as velocity formula, and counting operations to solve problem solving tasks (PST) 1 and problem solving tasks (PST ) 2. Fourth, the student’s relational thinking process when re-examination includes: the subject reads and corrects the steps that have been done so that the answer is definitely correct. However, the activity of rationalizing the answer to the problem was not carried out by the subject.



Relational Thinking, Problem Solving, Math Ability