Open Conference Systems, MISEIC 2018

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The Validity of Learning Tools use Contextual Learning-Based on Ethnoscience Batik to Increase Science Literacy Skills for Junior High School
Nindy Silvia Melyasari

Last modified: 2018-07-07



Reflected from the results of pre-research on ability of science literacy learners in  Tulungagung area is relatively low, the researcher provide recommendation to develop learning tools that can increase the ability of science literacy. In order to make the learning tools more interesting, then this learning tools will be based on ethnoscience or local wisdom of batik. Ethnoscience is the original knowledge of a tribe that has characteristic and function for the life of society. The purpose of this study is to produce a valid learning tools. The learning tools is using contextual approach.The scope of this research is referring to students of VII class in Junior High School 1 Bandung, Tulungagung. The subject matter chosen is material classification and substance changes. The product specification are include Learning Implementation Plan (RPP), Teaching Materials, Student Activity Sheet (LKPD), and Science Literacy Test Assessment Instrument. The four major dimensions of science literacy test are include aspects of science knowledge, scientific context, competence or the process of science and attitude aspects. Science literacy proficiency assessment uses 6 levels with a minimum score of 261 for abilities at level 1b and 708 minimum scores for level 6. The ways in which to grow or increase the ability of science literacy are the habit of reading relevant, literate environment, and inserting ethnoscience knowledge on learning. Model of learning tools development in this research using 4D model from Thiagarajan, Semmel and Semmel (1974). The 4D development model consists of 4 stages: define, design, develop and desseminate. In this research only limited develop stage. The procedure that will be done are consist of 2 stages, that are develop stage and the trial stage  to 15 students of VII class in Junior High School 1 Bandung, Tulungagung. The results of validation are analyzed descriptive quantitative. The assesment criteria are use by score interval with a maximum value of 4 (very valid). This research use 3 validator namely IPA lecturer, expert lecturer and science teacher.







The result validation of learning tools are as folows.

Figure 1. Graph of Learning Tools Validation Results

Based on this graph, it can be seen that the develop learning tools get a score between 3.50-3.78 with valid and very valid categories. Results obtained from validator 1 in a row ranging from Learning Implementation Plan (RPP), Teaching Materials, Student Activity Sheet (LKPD)  and Science Literacy Test Assessment Instrument that are 3.65; 3.35; 3.35; and 3; 50. Furthermore, the results obtained from validator 2 are respectively 3.75; 3.70; 3.78; and 3.71. Validator 3 gives the results of its assessment in a row that are 3.80; 3.70; 3.78 and 3.71. Based on the graph it appears that the slightest difference is in the validator 1. It means that the learning device are required a little revision. Revisions are made for the perfection of learning tools developed. In conclusion, the overall scores of the learning tools have been valid in use for limited trial of 15 prescribed learners.

Keywords: Contextual Learning, Ethnoscience, Learning Tools, Literacy Science, Validity