Open Conference Systems, MISEIC 2018

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Development Factors of Small Medium Software Enterprises
Rangga Bayu Rinawan

Last modified: 2018-07-07


Software house is a digital services business such as web, application and interface design. This business is a trend among the people today, because everyone is aware that we are in the digital age. Various purposes related to information delivered in the form of digital. Even various businesses have closed the physical place and just armed online. But the determination of the key factors is absolutely necessary as a strategic plan for the development of small and medium software companies [1].

This study discusses the identification of the determinants of small and medium software enterprise development and the problems that are often be faced, as well as the company's efforts to achieve success and impact. The method used in this study is the approach of data analysis of interviews and questionnaires to be provided to the respondents. The importance of this study is to identify some of the key determinants of development, constraints, and the key to success in achieving success. The questionnaire used to create a questionnaire refers to the findings of Juiz, Gomez & Barcelo [2].


The results of this study will be presented in the form of reviews of each of the determinants. These factors include the development of governance and management standards, management manifestations, development of IT values, human resource development, scope, service, security and evaluation. On the development factor of management standards, software houses always make reports on the progress and achievement of their projects. The report contains work schedules, targets and achievement plans. They already do these activities by utilizing information technology and always update equipment that supports management.


digital services enterprise, development factor, software house