Last modified: 2018-07-07
Improving the quality of education, especially in the learning of mathematics continues to be done in education with the aim to train students' thinking skills. One example of improved quality of learning done by teachers, especially in using the appropriate model of learning for students. Mathematics learning should focus more on awareness and the ability to argue and communicate systematically to solve problems and apply mathematics to everyday life. Therefore, students should be pursued as active learning subjects in constructing or constructing themselves in the understanding of the material under study. Teachers should act as creative facilitators and mediators so that students can learn in a pleasant atmosphere with problem solving.
Filing a problem means the formulation of a simple matter or a re-formulation of an existing matter with some changes to make it simpler and understandable in solving complex problems. Questioning is a task that leads to critical and creative attitudes because students are asked to make inquiries from information provided. In the filing of a problem-solving task, students are not only asked to make a question or ask a question, but to seek a solution. In this research is the task of filing a problem is an activity to make a question or make a problem and menacri completion of questions or questions that have been proposed. In learning mathematics one of the alternative learning model to realize the above is a model of cooperative learning type Pair Checks. Pair Checks Learning does not only work in groups, but students are given the opportunity to share their duties and knowledge with their friends. Therefore, the objectives of the study were to describe the students' mathematical problem solving skills after cooperative pairpin type-based cooperative learning. The type of research used in this research is sequential explanatory that is combination research method which combine quantitative and qualitative research method in sequence, where in the first phase the research is done by using quantitative method and in second phase done by qualitative method. Subjects in this study were students from 2 class VIII where one class became the control class and the other became experimental class. Instruments used in this study about pretest and postest Instruments that have been designed given to the validator for review, then revised with the advice given so obtained a valid instrument. The instrument is said to be valid if at least two of the three validators agree that the instrument is eligible to use. In addition, the instruments in this study are the observation sheets and the Student Worksheet. Initial data analysis was performed to test data of pre-test result consisting of normality test and equality test average. While final data analysis done to test data of post-test result consist of normality test and hypothesis test. In this research in general data is analyzed by using SPSS 20 Software.
From the result of data analysis, it is concluded that the activity of students of grade VIII SMP Nurul Hidayah Sokobenah Sampang using cooperative learning model Type Pair Checks can be declared active. This can be seen from the results of students' learning after completion of learning by using cooperative learning model Type Pair Checks classically 91.4% and classical mastery criteria ≥ 85%, so it can be concluded the class completed. From the results obtained can be conclude that cooperative learning Type Pair Checks can be used as an alternative teacher, in the process of learning mathematics