Open Conference Systems, MISEIC 2018

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Sports Students Problem Solving Skill in Polynomial
Yusep Cus Angkoso, Dewi Retno Sari Saputro, Mr. Riyadi

Last modified: 2018-07-07


A special talent of sports makes characteristics differentiation between sports students and ordinary students. The students like physical activities during the learning. The activities are outside the classroom. Physical activities have positive relationship with cognitive function. Based on the results of early research, more physical activities may give higher mathematics achievement to the students. The sports activities also have relationship with academic performance. Therefore, teacher has to plan the learning in class by considering the students characteristics.

According to the previous paragraph, this study aims to describe sports students problem solving skill in Polynomial. The descriptive study is used to analyze the problems solving process and find out the difficulties during solving the problems. The subjects are sports students of Senior High School of Slogohimo, District of Wonogiri, Central Java. Three subjects are selected by purposive sampling. The data, collected by problem solving test and interview during problem solving process, is analyzed qualitatively.

The results show that: (1) sports students have understood the problem, (2) sports students cannot plan well how to solve the problem, (3) sports students cannot apply well the problem solving plan, and (4) sports students do not evaluate the problem solution. The results indicate that sports students have difficulties to solve the problem. Generally, difficulty of planning the problem solving way is the main obstacle to solve the problem well.


Sports Students; Mathematics; Problems Solving; Polynomial