Last modified: 2018-07-07
This study aims to analyze the ability of students’ mathematical representation in term of Self Regulated Leraning (SRL). Self Regulated Learning (SRL) is the effort to set goals in the learning process by monitoring, regulating, and controlling aspects of cognition, motivation, and behavior. The ability of mathematical representation is the ability of students in expressing mathematical ideas that can be diagrams, tables, graphics, mathematical symbols, mathematical models, words, etc. as a tool to solve problems. This study focused on the ability of visual representation, representation of equations or amthematical expressions, and representation of written word or text in term of self Regulated Learning (SRL). This research uses qualitative approach with data collection techniques such as observation, test, questionnaire, interview and documentation. Data analysis technique used is analysis technique according to Miles and Huberman through data reduction phase, data representation, and conslusion. The results showed that students with high Self Regulated Learning (SRL) are able to solve representation problems in accordance with indicators of mathematical representation ability. Students with Self Regulated Learning (SRL) ability are able to work but many till do not match the indivators of mathematical representation ability whereas students with low Self Regulated Learning (SRL) ability have not been able to work in accordance with indicator ability of mathematical representation.