Open Conference Systems, MISEIC 2018

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Students Creativity in Solving Realistic-Mathematical Problems
winny mutia andhari

Last modified: 2018-07-07


Primary school students need to be equipped with creativity, because creativity is important in everyday life. So students need to be trained to deal with realistic mathematical questions so that students can think creatively. The purpose of this study is to describe the creativity of elementary school students in solving realistic mathematical problems.


This descriptive research was conducted on elementary school students of Class III as many as 20 students in SDN Kemuning-Sidoarjo. The research method is done by giving test in the form of three problem solving realistic problem. Then the data is judged based on the indicators of creativity that is fluency, flexibility, and novelty. Qualitative analysis in this research consists of data reduction, display, and verification.


The results show that 3 students meet 3 indicators of creativity (fluency, flexibility, and novelty), 4 students meet 2 indicators of creativity (fluency, flexibility), 6 students meet 1 indicator of creativity (eloquence), and 7 students do not meet the creativity indicator at all . This shows that student creativity still needs to be improved. As a suggestion needs to be done research with realistic mathematics learning to improve the creativity of elementary school students.


Keywords: creativity, flexibility, fluency, novelty, realistic mathematics.



creativity; flexibility; fluency; novelty; realistic mathematics.