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Validity of Student Activity Sheet Based 4C with CORE Learning Model on Students
Last modified: 2018-07-07
Currently one of the teaching materials used in the learning process, namely the student activity sheet (LKPD) has not been able to train and develop all the competencies possessed by students optimally, resulting in the average value of daily test is low, especially on the material of the Nervous System in Humans. This is because students are difficult to understand the structure and work processes of the nervous system that occurs in the body that is abstract. Based on this, it is necessary to develop LKPD that can train and develop all the competencies possessed by students optimally, so that the average value of students can be increased by developing LKPD based on critical thinking and problem solving, communication, creativity and innovation, collaboration (4C) with learning model, connecting, organizing, reflecting, extending (CORE). This study aims to produce a LKPD based 4C with CORE learning model valid that can be used to improve student learning outcomes in high school on Neural System materials in Humans. The research will be conducted in SMAN 18 Surabaya in grade XI IPA students. This research is a development research using 4D model. In the development of LKPD is also developed other learning tools that are needed, which includes the syllabus, learning implementation plan (RPP), and instruments about the test. LKPD and learning tools developed in validation using the validity test sheet instrument by three experts. The average data of the overall results of the validity test obtained against LKPD and learning tools developed are categorized very valid with the interval score of 3.60 to 4.00. Based on the result of the validity test, it is concluded that LKPD Based 4c With Core Learning Model which developed is valid and can be used to improve student learning result of XI IPA grade in SMA.
Human Nervous System materials, learning model CORE, learning outcomes, student activity sheet (LKPD), validity, 4C skills.