Open Conference Systems, MISEIC 2018

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The Effectiveness Capability Of Problem Based Learning Worksheet To Solve The Problems For 4th Grade Student
margaretha ordo servitri

Last modified: 2018-07-07


Primary education is a beginning of all subjects that student get in their school. As the higher grades of education they get, the level of giving the materials must be understood improvingly. Therefore, learning in Primary School especially for Science, should use a model or method that can gain the enthusiastic student in learning. Not only model or method of learning, teachers also can use appropriate media or teaching materials. For example, using Problem Based Learning (PBL) Worksheet. The usage of appropriate teaching materials will facilitate the teachers delivering informations or new knowledge for their students. The good teaching materials are also capable to gain enthusiastic student in learning. It will be effective if it is supported by teaching materials in worksheets. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of PBL Worksheet (LKS PBL) on the capability of 4th grade students to solve the problems. The research used Nonequivalent Control Group Design. Based on the effectiveness results test, the experimental group (N-gain) showed (0,264) > control group (0,163) and student problem solving have improved for each indicator. Based on the research that have been done, it concluded that PBL Worksheet capable to solve the problem for 4th grade student.


Effectiveness, Problem Based Learning (PBL), Worksheet