Last modified: 2018-07-07
Alternative Field of Work Model as Industrial Market Recommendation In Apprenticeship Selection Program
Novianto Yudha Laksana1, Dr. Ratna Wardani2
1 Educational of Electronics and Informatics Engineering, Postgraduate Program. Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
2 Educational of Electronics and Informatics Engineering, Postgraduate Program. Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
This research aims for: (1) developing competence proportional model that can be used as industrial market recommendation for determining the result of industrial practice selection that is appropriate with the criteria and (2) implementing competence proportional model that used for industrial market recommendation in an industrial practice process through decision support system approach.
This development research refers to the model suggested by Pressman. The development design was grouped into three developmental procedures, consisting of: (a) preliminary study, (b) development study and (c) evaluation. There are seven expert test subjects which consisting of HRD staff and engineers. The system test subjects are ten students who will do industrial practice in selected industries. Data collection techniques used questionnaires, direct observation and interviews. Data analysis technique used hierarchy Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) approach.
Developing model using AHP approach created of 3 criterias, 13 subcriterias and 5 alternative job sectors. Each criteria were calculated by pairwise comparison resulting in a priority weight. The ratio consistence calculation for each criteria shows less than 0.1 so it is concluded that the priority weight is consistent and acceptable. The testing is executed with the comparison of the calculation result from developed decision support system. In this testing, the inputted data is from the student's assessment toward each criteria. The comparison result shows that the developed AHP approach model is running