Open Conference Systems, MISEIC 2018

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Analysis of Mathematical Critical Thinking Ability in Solving Word Problem Based on Focus-Reason-Inference-Situation-Clarity-Overview (FRISCO) Indicator
Nugrahaning Nisa Alifia

Last modified: 2018-07-07


Education is a basic needs  for human currently. The essence of human who continue to learn during their life makes education is always growing. Currently, the world of education is faced with the challenge to be able give to birth a individual who can fulfill global demands. Now all news can be accessed freely via internet and there is no guarantee of news spread over the internet is true. Therefore each individual must have the ability to sort from all the news that is, right or wrong. One of the things that need to be considered to be able to give birth to individual who can fulfill global demands is by giving birth to students who have mathematical critical thinking ability. In mathematics learning, learners who think positively about their mathematical ability will enjoy mathematical problem solving, fast in learning mathematics, and get good results (Ayodele, 2011). Mathematical critical thinking ability is needed so students can develop their concept and knowledge to solve a problem. Improvement in critical thinking tendencies will allow students to look at everything from different aspects and will give them a chance to discover where the formulas and rules come from, how they can arise, and can increase the level of academic success of mathematics that is considered a difficult and scary subject (Aksu, 2015).

This study aims to analyze mathematical critical thinking ability in solving word problem based on FRISCO indicator from some related journals or literatures. FRISCO stands for Focus, Reason, Inference, Situation, Clarity, and Overview.

The type of  this study is a qualitative with literature (library research), the materials are library books and other sources that are all based on bibliography. The data collected by relying  on data library without empirical test.

The results of this review show that all students can not mathematical critical thinking based on FRISCO indicator. The most students experience difficulties in the indicators of Reason, Inference, Situation, and Overview. Students' mathematical critical thinking ability tend not to be as expected. This is apparent in the non-achievement of all FRISCO indicator on student test results.

To overcome these problems, a teacher needs to know and practice the mathematical critical thinking ability of students in solving word problem. So that every student has good mathematical critical thinking ability and useful in solving word problem. Practicing students' mathematical critical thinking ability can be done by applying methods or learning models that can train and improve students' ability to be more critical in solving word problem.



FRISCO indicator; Mathematical critical thinking ability; Word problem.