Open Conference Systems, MISEIC 2018

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Improvement of Student Learning Outcomes Through The Implementation of Blended Learning On Subjects of Building Science In Vocational Schools
Nurmi Frida Dorintan Bertua Pakpahan

Last modified: 2018-07-07


This study aims to determine the improvement of student learning outcomes, improvement of teacher teaching activities, and improvement of student learning activities in applying blended learning on the building science lesson in vocational schools.


The research method used is Classroom Action Research of Kemmis & Mc Taggart model, consist of several cycles and implemented through stages: planning, action, observation, and reflection. The object of the research is the application of blended learning, while the subjects of the research are 33 students of class X on vocational school at Surabaya and teachers of building science lesson.


Data were collected using instruments: 1) test learning outcomes at each cycle; 2) observation sheet of teacher teaching activities and; 3) observation sheet of student learning activities. Data analysis was performed using quantitative descriptive analysis technique.

The results showed: first, student learning outcomes after the application of blended learning on the building science lesson are: 1) in cycle 1 shows that students who complete as many as 20 students or 60.60%, while students who do not complete as many as 13 students or 39 , 40%; 2) in cycle 2 shows that the complete student as many as 24 students or 72.73%, while the unfinished student as many as 9 students or 27.27%; 3) in cycle 3 shows that the complete student as much as 26 students or equal to 78,79%, whereas student that is not complete as many as 7 student or 21,21%.


Second, the results of teacher teaching activities in the application of blended learning in building science lessons are: 1) in cycle 1 shows the average of aspects of teaching activities of teachers is 3.10 with good enough criteria; 2) in cycle 2 shows that the average score of the teaching activity of the teacher is 3.55 with good criteria; 3) in cycle 3 shows the average of aspects of teaching activities of teachers is 4.05 with good criteria.

Third, the results of student learning activities in the application of blended learning in building science lessons are: 1) in cycle 1 shows the average value of aspects of student learning activities is 3.25 with good enough criteria; 2) in cycle 2 shows that the average score of student activity aspect is 3.65 with good criteria; 3) in cycle 3 shows the average value of aspects of student learning activities is 4.15 with good criteria.

The conclusions of the research are: firstly, there is improvement of student learning outcomes after the application of Blended Learning on the subject of Building Science. The improvement of completeness from cycle 1 to cycle 2 was 12.13%, from cycle 2 to cycle 3 increased by 6.06%. Secondly, there is an increase in teaching activities of teachers in the application of Blended Learning in the subjects of Building Science. The increase of teacher teaching activity from cycle 1 to cycle 2 was 0.45%, from cycle 2 to cycle 3 increased by 0.45%. Third, there is an increase in student learning activities in applying blended learning on the science of building science. Increased student learning activity from cycle 1 to cycle 2 of 0.40%, from cycle 2 to cycle 3 increased by 0.45%.


blended, outcomes, learning, teaching, activities.