Open Conference Systems, MISEIC 2018

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Student’s Strategic Competence Toward Open – Ended Problems Before and After the Transition to Junior High School
imama sabilah, tatag yuli eko siswono, masriyah masriyah

Last modified: 2018-07-07


Strategic competence refers to mental activities apply strategies to formulate, represent, and solve mathematical problems. The aim of qualitative research is to explore strategic competence of sixth, seventh, and eighth grade student in solving open-ended problems. In this case, we selected from 25 students who has different mathematical competency to 3 students with higher mathematical competency, there are 1 sixth grade student, 1 seventh grade student, and 1 eighth grade student. Interview based task used to explore students strategic competence. The result pointed out that student understood the problem by reading and drawing/graphing the problem. They formulate problem solving by recall prior knowledge about quadrilateral topic. Student solving open-ended problems by numerical and verbal strategy. Finally, they determine effective solution using arithmetical method, find all solution correctly, then choose the cheaper one. For the next research, we could give a suggestion to exploring another mathematical competence.


Strategic Competence, Open – Ended, Mathematical Competency.