Open Conference Systems, MISEIC 2018

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Development Learning Material Using Guided Inquiry to Fascilitate Student’s Improve Creative Thinking Skills in SMAN 1 Balongpanggang
Muchammad - Nizar, Muchammad - Nizar

Last modified: 2018-07-07


This research had aimed to develop a Natural Physics Learning Material based on using guided inquiry model that is feasible to fascilitate students’ creative thinking skill. The learning instrument is developed by using 4-D model with a try out-design namely one group pre-test - post-test design. In order to measure aplicability of the lesson plan, learning obstacles, the result of students’ learning in from of creative thinking  students’ responses to the depeloped lesson plan. The lesson plan has been tried out to 15 students’ of XI IPA -4 class SMAN 1 Balongpanggang in the even semester of 2017/2018 academic year. The data collection apply data validation, observation, achievement test, questionaries and documentation. The research data were analysed descriptively both qualitative and quantitative. The research findings were as follows: (1) The validity of the learning instrument which comprises Lesson Plan, Student Book, Student Worksheet, and a valid Creative Thinking Test Instrument; (2) The practicality of the learning instrument that can be found from: (a) the implementation of the lesson plans that is categorized as ‘good’, and (b) the constraints occurred during the implementation of the learning process; (3) The effectiveness of the learning instrument that was reviewed through: (a) the students’ creative thinking skills ability measured by n-gain reach moderate level of category; while rate of 15 student is 0.74 high level of category supported with analysis result from paired samples test with sig. < 0.05, so have a high different significan result, and students’ highly excellent response towards the instrument and the learning process. Based on the data analysis, it can be concluded that the Natural Science Learning Instrument by using guided inquiry model was feasible to fascilitate students’ creative thinking skill.


Development Learning Material, Guided Inquiry, Creative Thinking Skills