Last modified: 2018-07-07
The development in the 21st century has entered various joints of life, not least the field of education. Teachers and students, educators and learners are required to have appropriate teaching and learning skills in this 21st century. As an effort to prepare Human Resources which of course can survive and also compete in the midst of revolutionary change in 21st century, hence need to hold up life skill as well as soft skill, so it can be realized a society science liteacy that has an understanding of scientific ideas, intellectual ability, creativity, reasoning, and concern for issues and problems that occur. The development of student science literacy have a same direction with the development of life skills. One of these skills is the argumentation skills. This is because, as part of a global society, students are not only required to understand the concepts of science, but also play a role in class discussion.The facts show that many teachers have not yet applied learning that trains students' argumentation skills, but that does not mean that teachers can not do it. One of the causes is the learning material that can lead students to explore the knowledge of science that is owned by the daily life of the students so as to lead the students to be able to argue during the learning is less. Based on the above problems, it needs a development of learning material that can improve student argumentation skills. This can be done by developing a learning device that links the chemistry learned with science-related issues and involves a moral and ethical component called Socio Scientific Issues. While the alternative learning model that can be used to improve students' argumentation skill is the Learning Cycle 7E learning model.
This study used 4D model and one group pretest-posttest design. Data collection techniques in this study include observation, documentation, and test. Observation technique aims to collect research data on students' oral argumentation skills. Documentation techniques used to record students' argumentation and testing was conducted to collect data of Students’ writing Argumentation Skills
Students writing argumentation skill data is obtained from students' written answers or arguments on issues of science related to reaction rate material. The students' answers are then classified into argument levels to determine the complexity of argumentation that refers to the Toulmin Argument pattern (TAP) which can be determined from the pretest and posttest results. Students' oral argumentation skill data is obtained by observing each argumentation in the form of a claim or rebuttal given by the student during the learning at class of the study and then analyzed in terms of the communications and logic of the argument presented. The results of the analysis of the verbality of the oral argument presented
Complexity and quality arguments through Learning Cycle 7E learning with Socioscientific Issue context are presented in Figure 1:
Figure 1. (a) Complexity Students’ Argument (b) Quality Students’ Argument
This study shows that both written and oral argumentation skills increase. So it can be concluded that learning material using Learning Cycle 7E model with Socioscientific Issue (SSI) contexts’ effective to improve students' argumentation skills.