Open Conference Systems, MISEIC 2018

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Developing learning materials supporting teachers’ understanding on mathematics problem-solving knowledge for teaching
Tatag Yuli Eko Siswono, Ahmad Wachidul Kohar, Sugi Hartono, Rooselyna Ekawati, Pradnyo Wijayanti

Last modified: 2018-07-07


Studies on mathematical problem solving become an intensive view of experts mainly dealing with essential questions regarding the teaching and learning of mathematics. While the focus has been given more on the students in the early years, a body of studies directly or indirectly offering recommendations of the knowledge teachers should hold to teach problem-solving is required to be developed. Therefore, in order to have a broader insight on the needs of teacher related to problem-solving, Chapman has proposed the so-called ‘mathematics problem-solving knowledge for teaching’ (MPSKT), i.e. the knowledge needed to effectively teach problem-solving. To facilitate teachers learn MPSKT, it is required a set of learning materials which help them learn MPSKT. This is a developmental research which develops a set of learning materials supporting teachers’ understanding of MPSKT. The MPSKT implemented in the learning materials consist of problem-solving content knowledge (PSCK) (knowledge of problems, nature of problem-solving, problem-posing), pedagogical problem-solving knowledge (PPSK) (knowledge of students as problem solvers, instructional practice for problem-solving), and affective factors and beliefs (beliefs about nature of mathematics, mathematics teaching, and mathematics learning).

The learning materials were developed by following two stages, i.e. preliminary stage and prototyping using formative evaluation: one-to-one, self-evaluation, small group, and field test. As many as three experts in the developmental study of mathematics education and 41 teachers were involved to examine the validity, practicality, and effectiveness of the learning materials. In the preliminary stages, the researchers considered some theoretical perspectives regarding the components of MPSKT, developing learning materials, and the development process of learning materials. Results indicate that prototype of the learning materials were revised along the formative evaluation stages, in which it was proved valid and practical according to the revision based on experts’ review and learners’ suggestion. Also, it was effective to improve teachers’ understanding of MPSKT and beliefs about teaching and learning mathematics.

However, this study does not give explicit attention to the components of mathematical problem-solving proficiency and students as problem-solvers, primarily about students’ difficulties. Accordingly, future studies are encouraged to develop learning materials which include these two components more explicitly as well as a more comprehensive and complete component of MPSKT characterizing a complex network of interdependent knowledge among the components.



mathematics problem-solving knowledge for teaching; learning materials; developmental research; mathematics teacher