Open Conference Systems, MISEIC 2018

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How to Create a Test for Assessing Transfer Skills of Geometry Problem Solving
Nur Azizah, Endah Retnowati

Last modified: 2018-07-07


Transfer is an important skill for students because acquiring this skill indicates their meaningful learning. To measure whether this skill is successfully learned, a transfer test is required. Transfer is defined as the ability to apply what student has been learned in a new situation problem or use them as knowledge base to learn a new topic. Therefore, a transfer test should ask students to solve problem solving in new situation or topic.  Such test could only be created when indicators are well-identified. This paper discusses how to develop indicators of transfer skill, particularly for Year 7 Geometry. A test indicator describes the level of ability to be measured and the content of the learning material. Therefore, to develop a good transfer test, these three aspects have to be considered: (1) the coverage of previously learned competence and topic; (2) a higher level of competence to solve similar topic; (3) related topic in different context. Based on this indentification, there are two types of transfer test can be created. First, the test that measures higher level of ability but in the same topic. Second, the test that measure relative similar level of ability but in different context or situation of problem solving.  Evidence for the quality of the test can be shown by its validity and reliability. Content validity can be indicated by expert judgment, while reliability can be measured using Alpha’s Cornbrash.


Transfer Skill, Assessment, Geometry Problem Solving