Last modified: 2018-07-07
The moral crisis becomes a problem was faced by the nation of Indonesia. The occurrence of shifting moral values in society can be seen from the rise of immoral cases such as rape and obscenity, free sex, pornography, drugs, ang corruption. This moral problem problems become the root of many other problems of the nation so it must be immediately sought solution. the most appropriate solution in dealing with this problem to cultivate the characters value in every field of human live especially in education field. Formal education from kindergarten to higher education, should not only produce intelectual people but also have good character. The metacognitive approach can be used to support it. To maximize its implementation, it needs to be supported by the appropriate learning package.
The aims of this research to produced learning package that qualify the practicality dan effectiveness. Learning package consist of Lesson book and RPS. It was based on metacognitive and character education. This research is the development stage in the 4D Thiagarajan development model. In this tage, researhers trial the practicality dan effectiveness of a valid learning package was based on metacognitive and character education.
The practicality of learning package is measured by the learning management sheet. The measurement result show that the learning package had been practice. This is indicated by the average observastion results of all aspects at the 1st meeting until the5th meeting are in good category (2,5 ≤ X < 3,5) and at the 7th meeting until 8th meeting are very good category (3,5 ≤ X ≤ 4).
The effectiveness of learning package is measured from 4 components. They are student learning outcomes, student activities, student responses, and management of student character development. The results show that the learning package had been effective. This is indicated by the fulfillmeny of 3 of 4 criteria of effectiveness. Namely: (1) the number of clasical completion percentage of learning achievement test is 89%; (2) more than 50% of students responded positively to 85% of aspects asked; and (3) the fulfillment of 6 types of expected syudent activities.