Last modified: 2019-07-10
Abstract.This study, using a Qualitative approach to describe metacognitive behavior of three subjects taken from junior secondary students in Kupang Regency. The purpose of this research is to identify metacognitive behavior (thought processes, self reflection, and how to process information in solving problems) on each subject. This research was conducted in class VII of the second semester, with the total number of students 81 people consisting of 44 female students and 37 male students. The data collection process was given a mathematical ability test (TKM), a metacognition behavior test (TPM) 1 and seen from the algebraic test scores of each student. TPM analysis, TPM 1, and algebraic repeat values ​​are categorized into three capabilities, namely high, medium, and low capability. The three categories were taken by each communicative subject. Three subjects will be assigned non-routine questions about algebra problems and worked individually at the same time. Then interviewed each subject separately regarding TPM 1 that had been done. Two days later a TPM 2 metacognition behavior test was carried out one hour after the subjects completed TPM 2, the researchers conducted interviews with each subject separately regarding TMP 2. The results of this study, students with high ability are able to solve algebraic problems given systematically, students who are capable of solving algebraic problems but not systematic and still experience errors, while low-ability students do not solve algebraic problems until they are finished and not systematic