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Content Validity Determination of the Tri Kaya Parisudha-based Countenance Model Evaluation Instruments Using Lawshe's CVR Formula
Last modified: 2022-03-21
The good Instruments that are used as measuring instruments in the evaluation process are valid instruments. An attempt that is made to obtain a valid instrument is to calculate the instrument content validity correctly use the right formula. One formula that can be used to test the content validity of the Countenance model evaluation instruments based on Tri Kaya Parisudha is Lawshe's CVR. Based on that statement, the main objective of this study was to explain how to use the Lawshe's CVR formula to determine the content validity of a Countenance model evaluation instruments based on the Tri Kaya Parisudha concept. Subjects that were involved in conducting the trial of the instruments were 20 panelists. The tool that was used to test the instrument was a questionnaire consisting of 130 questions. Analysis of the instruments was done by comparing the results of validation with Guilford standards so that that instrument classification could be determined. These study results indicate that the Countenance model evaluation instruments based on Tri Kaya Parisudha were at a very high level of validation with a content validity ratio were 0.88.
Content Validity; Tri Kaya Parisudha; Countenance; Instruments; Lawshe's CVR