Open Conference Systems, MISEIC 2019

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The Restaurant Laboratory Managemant System Application On Cognitive Domain
siti yuliana -

Last modified: 2020-02-02


This research aims to know the existence of the lab to depend on learning outcomes, the influence lies in the role of the lab as a device. Academic is a device in academic research that led to the implementation of the lab as a means to learn. The lab on this research applying management systems based. laboratory online. The purpose of learning outcomes divided into three domain in accordance with the theory bloom, namely, cognitive affective and. Psychomotor  as a laboratory academic role is to increase the purpose of learning outcomes. The methodology which test the hypothesis that deals of causation by means of  manipulating the independent variable and test a change brought on by manipulation.Used to test hypotheses are aware of the influence of learning outcomes that are affected by the application of the lab. Management  systems Statistical tests to this research using regression.  The hypothesis of this research mentioned not influence laboratory management.


Laboratory, cognitive

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