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Elementary Teachers’ Misconception: Identification on Mathematical Learning
Last modified: 2019-10-08
Abstract. Mathematics is one of the compulsory subject that must be taught to students at all levels of education. It creates students not only to have the ability to think logically, critically, analytically, creative, meticulous, careful but also to develop the ability to use mathematics in problem solving. Therefore, mathematics teacher is required to be able to convey mathematical concepts correctly. Unfortunately, there are some elementary school teachers who have a wrong understanding of the concepts in mathematics learning. For example, teachers’ misconceptions about the concept of angles at the cone and the concept of side on a tube. The aim of this study was to identify the misconception of elementary school teachers in mathematics learning. In the first year, we had to determined whether there was a misconception of elementary school teachers in mathematics learning.  Moreover, we also had to figure out what concepts in elementary mathematics learning were often misconceptions and what was the cause of the misconception. This type of research was descriptive-qualitative research, where data had been analyzed qualitatively and the results had been described. The research data were in the form of interviews and observations of the subjects, namely elementary school teachers in Sidoarjo area. In the first year at the preparation stage, the preparation of research instruments had been carried out in the form of tests of mastery of mathematical concepts and interview guidelines. The instrument of this research contains some questions which lead to the purpose of this research. Data had been collected in several elementary schools in Sidoarjo, with the condition of elementary school teachers grouped as follows: 1) elementary school teachers with civil servant status and teaching in public or private accredited A schools, 2) elementary school teachers with civil servant and teaching in public or private accredited B schools, 3) elementary school teachers who are non-civil servant status and teaching in public or private accredited A schools, 4) elementary school teachers who are non-civil servant status and teaching in public or private accredited B schools. Regard to the research data, there were several misconceptions in elementary school teachers, such as 1) Defining the apex point of the cone as the angle formed by the curved side; 2) Defining a cone surface as a side; 3) Defining a cylinder surface as a side, and 4) Defining the cone as a pyramid.
Elementary School Teacher; Misconception; Mathematical Learning