Open Conference Systems, MISEIC 2019

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Junior High School Students Representation in Problem Solving Integer Math Ability Viewed from Students
annisah annisah annisah

Last modified: 2019-10-13


This study aimed to describe the representation of high-ability students, medium and low in problem solving integer. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. There are 3 participants namely, a high mathematical ability students, the student capable of being, and a low-ability students. Researchers analyzed data from the TPMBB and interviews. The results showed that the representation of the resulting low-ability students describe the number line, the object but only a representative picture of the overall object as well as the correct answer just one number. Students berkampuan describing the number line, describing the object as a whole as the representative of the problems and only a few issues that are less precise in answering.


representastion, ability, integers