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Testing of Image Resolution Enhancement Techniques using Bi-Cubic Spatial Domain Interpolation
Last modified: 2019-10-08
The technique for increasing digital image resolution from low-resolution images to high-resolution images based on digital image processing is called the superresolation technique. In this paper, a superresolution technique is presented using a two-dimensional bi-cubic interpolation method in the spatial domain. The order of the superresolution method applied is as follows: (1) selecting ten images as samples, (2) decreasing the sample image resolution to a quarter of the original resolution by deleting three quarters of the pixel number, (3) increasing the image resolution of its a quarter becomes like the initial resolution using bi-cubic interpolation for three quarters of the new pixels, (4) testing this bi-cubic interpolated image with the same pixel-sized initial image, (5) using parameters : average value, minimum value, maximum value and standard deviation value as a comparison parameter between bi-cubic interpolated image and the same pixel-sized initial image. The results obtained from the superresolution technique using spatial cubic interpolation are : (1) bi-cubic interpolation methods give good results for square pixel-sized images m = n, whereas bi-cubic interpolations give poor results for pixel-sized images not square, (2) poor interpolation results are also often found in the red and green matrices, while the interpolation results are good enough for the blue matrix.
superresolation technique; bi-cubic interpolation method; bi-cubic interpolated image; same pixel-sized initial image