Last modified: 2019-07-10
In the world of education the teacher is an educator, coach, and curriculum developer who can facilitate the situation and learning with a learning space that is conducive, interesting, fun, gives a sense of security, provides space for students to learn creative, active, and innovative in elaborating and discussing his abilities.
Based on the result of observations in SMKN 10 Surabaya especially computer system subjects in multimedia majors, in the teaching and learning process student are more modeled and imitated what was conveyed by the teacher rather than finding their own ideas in learning the number system material using Problem Based Learning models this research design uses the factorial design of 2 x 2 computer systems.
The purpose of this study is (1) to get information about the outcomes of the affective domain computer system between students who use the PBL learning models, it is higher than students who use the STAD cooperative learning at SMKN 10 Surabaya, (2) to obtain information about the differences in cognitive learning outcomes of computer systems between students taugh using PBL learning models, it is signicantly higher compared to students who use STAD cooperative learning models at SMKN 10 Surabaya, and (3) to obtain information abouth the difference in psychomotor domain learning outcomes of computer systems between student who have high student metacognition, it is significantly higher than students who have student metacognition at SMKN 10 Surabaya.
Formulation of thw problem in this study is (1) is there a difference in the learning outcomes of the affective domain of computer systems between students taught using Problem Based Learning models, significantly higher than students who use the STAD cooperative learning model at SMKN 10 Surabaya, (2), are there differences in learning outcomes in the cognitive domain of computer systems between students taught using the PBL learning model, significantly higher than students who use the STAD cooperative learning model at SMKN 10 Surabaya and            (3) are there differences in the psychomotor learning outcomes of computer systems between students who use the STAD cooperative learning model at SMKN 10 Surabaya.
The analysis perquisite test can be divided into several types, namely the test of the normality of the frequency distribution of the computer system and the variance homogeneity test of the compute system, the understanding and test prerequisite for analysis of computer systems.