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University Students’ Misconception in Electromagnetism
Last modified: 2019-10-08
The aim of this research was to analyse the university students’ conception of electromagnetism. This research used a mixed method design, the combination between a quantitative and a qualitative method. For the quantitative part, the research utilised a conception test of electromagnetism, for the qualitative part the research focused on the descriptive analysis that generated by the freshman. The participant in this research was 15 freshman students from 9 different classes in the Physics Department of Surabaya State University. A conception test included 10 different multiple choice problems and followed by the descriptive analysis of these problems. The participants asked to choose the right answer and write their reasons or arguments that support their answer. The test was given without giving any treatment to the participant. The analyse method that used in this research was the quantitative and the qualitative descriptive. The result showed that the conception of university students ranged between 2nd semester (freshman) and 4th Semester (sophomore) in the Physics Department of Surabaya State University lead to misconception. Therefore it’s concluded that the university students have electromagnetism misconception.
Conception; Concept; Electromagnetism