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Reconstruction of Derivatives Concept by Prospective Teachers Based on APOS Theory Reviewed from Gender Differences
Last modified: 2019-10-13
Derivative concept is one of the main topics in calculus courses that must be mastered by every prospective mathematics teacher. Derivative concept is closely related with other fields, even sometimes it is also a prerequisite concept both in mathematics and outside. Therefore, the derivative concept has introduced to students in high school. However, this concept is not easy to understand by prospective teacher during calculus courses. Many of them get difficulties in understanding derivative concept, but with the right mental structure it will be very helpful in carrying out of it. APOS theory has been widely used in analyzing construction/reconstruction of mathematical concepts. APOS theory describes a person's mental structure through Action, Process, Object and Scheme when constructing mathematical concepts. Aims of the study are (1) explaining the derivative concept by a female prospective teacher based on the APOS theory, (2) explaining the derivative concept by a male prospective teacher based on the APOS theory. This research is a qualitative research. The research subjects are a female and a male student in Mathematics Education Department at Universitas Kristen Indonesia Toraja, South Sulawesi. Data was collected by test and interview. After analyzing the data, it was found that reconstruction of derivative concept by a female prospective teacher is different from the reconstruction of derivative concept by a male.
Derivative Concept, Reconstruction, APOS Theory