Last modified: 2020-02-02
Vehicle Routing Problem is a problem in determination of vehicle’s route that employed to serve customers by utilising more than one vehicle to obtain a route with minimum possible distance without violating its capacity constraints. The route start and end up on a depot. The number of uses of vehicle routing problem has resulted in it being one of the many research problems. In this paper, a new hybrid algorithm named teaching-learning-based cuckoo search (TLCS) is proposed to solve vehicle routing ploblem. The TLCS combines the Lévy flight on cuckoo search and teaching-learning process on TLBO, then for solutions to be abandoned in the cuckoo search will perform Lévy flight generate new solutions, while for other better solutions, the teaching-learning process is used to improve the local searching ability of the algorithm. Experimental results are examined with some problems (small, medium and large data) and show that TLCS obtains some solutions better than their original algorithm such as cuckoo search (CS) and teaching-learning-based optimization (TLBO).