Last modified: 2019-10-08
Creativity is one of the main goals of education. Debriefing creativity is essential to win in global competition. Practicing creativity can be done by utilizing the development of information and communication technology, including learning physics for prospective teachers. One innovation that can be done to improve the quality of creativity-oriented learning is to develop a learning management system (LMS) with Moodle. LMS is a software application for activities in networks and electronic learning (e-learning). The final goal of this research is to produce an LMS with Moodle model that can enhance the creativity of prospective physics teachers. This research includes development research, using the ADDIE model, namely: analysis, design, develop, implementation, and evaluate. The results of the study show that the model develops successfully trained the creativity of prospective teachers, including verbal, figural, numerical, and procedural aspects. This model allows lecturers to manage learning and exchange information with students quickly and flexibly.